Happy 9/9/9!

999 by Leo Reynolds.

One of the great things about living in a new millennium is all the great dates we get to celebrate!

In recent years ((I only started blogging in July 2005, so missed the fantastic blogging opportunities that were 1/1/1 through 5/5/5)) , we’ve seen 6/6/6, 7/7/7, 8/8/8 and even the incredible 12:34:56 7/8/9!

And it doesn’t even matter if you prefer the incorrect MM/DD/YY to the vastly superior DD/MM/YY format – today we can all agree that is it 9/9/9 and it is awesome.

So enjoy 9/9/9, numbers fans!  We only have three more years in which to enjoy such numerical synchronicities! Unless they start adding Smarch to our calendars.

Image Credit: Posted by Leo Renoylds on Flickr.

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