TV Shows

Over on Kalev’s secret blog ((ok, technically it’s a former secret blog.  And he said I could link to his blog, so it’s not even trying to be a secret blog anymore.  But he was totally holding out on me on this whole blog thing at first, so I’m calling it his secret blog!!)), he discusses all the TV shows he’s current watching.  And since we are now 25 days into this NaBloPoMo thing ((or NaPoBlowMe, as Kris calls it)), I’m not above stealing ideas for blog postings paying homage to another blog posting.

So here’s what I’m watching these days:

  • FlashForward – Love, love, love this show.  I love how virtually every episode gives you at least one total mindfuck  ((except that one episode where pretty much nothing happened – what was up with that?)) and I *hate* having to wait a WHOLE WEEK to see each next episode.  Also – dying to know what the deal is with the kangaroo.
  • V – I love, love, loved V when I was a kid, so when I heard they were doing a remake, I knew I *had* to watch it.  So far I’ve enjoyed it, although it has come off as somewhat cheeseball and very predictable and why does the woman who plays Anna have such a weird face?  Also, Scott Wolf (who plays Chad Decker) looks a lot like Michael J. Fox.
  • 30 Rock – The funniest show on television.  Seriously, the punchlines have punchlines.  And that Canadian football joke still has me laughing weeks later!
  • The Office – Not quite as funny as previous seasons, but still makes me laugh.
  • Dragon’s Den – My mom was telling me about this show for years before I ever saw it, and then I saw an episode and finally understood what all the fuss was about.  Very entertaining.  The American version, Shark Tank, which features two of the Canadian “dragons” who pretend they are Americans ((Seriously. There was this one episode in which one of the Canadian dragons said, “When my family immigrated to this country…” and I was all :O )) isn’t nearly as good.
  • Intervention/Obsessed/Hoarders – I know that some people feel these shows are exploitative, but I feel that they do a respectful job of showing what cruel diseases addiction and obsessive-compulsive disorder really are.
  • Parking Wars – This show follows around people who work in parking authorities ticketing, towing and/or booting cars. I so would not want that job.
  • ‘Til Debt Do Us Part – This show drives me nuts because I just cannot fathom how anyone could (a) spend more money than they bring bring in every month and (b) have no idea how much money they are spending.
  • Family Guy – What can I say, I love non sequiturs.
  • Big Love – Now, I shouldn’t really say I “watch” this show, as I’ve seen a grand total of 2 episodes. But I felt the need to mention it here because in those two episodes I saw that the girl who plays Mac in Veronica Mars is in it.  Later, when I was talking to Sarah, who introduced me to the awesomeness that is VM, she pointed out that so is the girl who plays Lilly Kane in Veronica Mars – and she has a bigger role on BL than Mac does, but I totally had not clued in that it was her! ((I’m terrible for recognizing actors from one role to another.  I’ll be all “hmm, this person seems vaguely familiar…” – which is what I thought of the Lilly Kane actress on BL, but I totally do not clue in to who it is.  Case in point, I spent the entire first episode of FlashForward saying, “Gawd, Olivia Benford looks sooo familiar,” but it wasn’t until after the show when I looked it up that I discovered that she’s Penelope Widmore from Lost – and I freaking love Lost!))

And that’s pretty much it.  I would like to point out that of the 22 shows Kalev has on his list, we only have an overlap of one show, Flashforward, and we appear to disagree completely about it ((I love it and love Dominic Monaghan, whereas Kalev thinks it is “spinning its wheels” and hates DM!!))

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  • I was going to say, yeah, how can you love Flashforward? I think it's a great concept and I love some of the actors (not DM, obviously) but talk about plod plod plod *snooze* It makes the 2nd season of Lost seem lightning quick by comparison, and that's the season I nearly dropped Lost forever.

    I forgot to mention V, though. I quite like it although as you've pointed out, cheeseball and predictable. Morena Baccarin as Anna definitely looks not quite human, though. Can't deny that.

    The boy is scrumptious; it's too bad he's an annoying whiny little brat. The woman playing Lisa played Supergirl on Smallville and apparently still can't act worth a damn. Scott Wolf is more like Tom Cruise than Michael J Fox in that he doesn't appear to age normally. I obviously love Elizabeth Mitchell more than anyone, though–just in case you're having another brain aneurysm, she plays Juliet on Lost. And it never hurts when a show is filmed in Vancouver, either.

    All that being said, this show is probably doomed because it's about to have at least a 3-month hiatus after only showing 4 episodes. *sigh* it's like network executives want promising shows to fail.


  • HOW did I miss this post when you first posted it? Gah!

    This year, I am watching:

    Mad Men (so sad it's over)
    GLEE!!! (I am listening to the soundtrack right now!)
    30 Rock
    The Office (though I agree with your assessment)
    Gossip Girl
    The Amazing Race

    I've just started watching 'The Biggest Loser', and I'm enjoying watching it (though most of it in fast forward – man, there's lots of filler).

    I'm excited that Big Love will start up again in January. LOVE IT!

    I also love "Til Debt…". Did I tell you that a girl that Dave and I went to school with — she was in Dave's grade, she's the niece of Aunt Louise and Kevin G.'s cousin, too – was on it? She doesn't work and gets child support from one of Barry's friends…and I wanted to PUNCH HER IN THE FACE when I saw how much of Chris's hard earned money she was PISSING AWAY. GAH!

    But nothing will top VM. I LOVE YOU, LOGAN ECHOLLS!!


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