Congratulations Virtue & Moir!

I don’t know much about figure skating, but I had heard that Canada’s Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir were going into the last part of the ice dance competition, which was held tonight, in first place and so I watched because I wanted to see if they could pull off the gold.  And pull it off they did – they were amazing!!  No one was questioning the judging on this one – they were gold all the way! w00t!

On a related note, does anyone know why at some events they do the medal ceremony right away, whereas for other events they have to wait until the following day’s “Victory Ceremony”?

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  • I think it's basically venue size. The number of people at the Coliseum for skating or at GM Place for hockey is comparable to or larger than the number at BC Place for its medal ceremony configuration. Most other events (curling and speed skating, but also the Cypress events) have smaller numbers of spectators, so they get aggregated into a victory ceremony in Whistler or at BC Place.

    Doesn't explain short-track, though, which is held in the same Coliseum as figure skating.


    • OK, I can see how this makes sense. But they don't present short track there, eh? That's odd.

      Also, I was a bit disappointed that no one handed Virtue and Moir a pitcher of beer as they skated their victory lap. I think figure skating fans need a lesson from the fans of skeleton!


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