I cleared out the last of the stuff out of my old place today. Though I’d moved all the stuff I was keep to my new place a couple of weeks ago, I still had a pile of stuff to take to a thrift store and some old computer stuff to take to Free Geek. And, in typical Beth fashion, I left that until the very end of the month to do that. In the end, I took two large boxes and a full back pack to the SPCA Thrift store and an old computer, an old laptop and various other geeky items to the Free Geek.
I also had to go the post office because the screwed up my mail forwarding. I’d signed up to have my mail forwarded from my old address to my new one for six months. I was most concerned with the fact that it’s tax time and I didn’t want any of my T4s or other tax-related documents to go missing. However, instead of forwarding my mail to me, they’ve been forwarding some other person named “Snow” who lives a block from my old place. The first piece of forwarded mail I received was from Blue Cross, which happens to be the company that I have my extended medical with, so I opened it assuming that it was mine, only to find that it was a cheque to some other “M. Snow.” Nice work, Canada Post! My mail was still going to me old place and thank goodness I still had access, because two of my T4s and my student loan tax receipts were at my old place. So I went to Canada Post and asked them to fix this because I’d really to, you know, get the service that I freakin’ paid for!
And the last thing I did was say good bye to my old landlady. She is moving out tomorrow and today was likely the last time I’ll ever see her. And it was pretty sad. Betty is a very sweet lady and it’s been pretty nice living in her house. I didn’t even get to say good bye to my old land lord because he’s been in the hospital for the past few weeks – Betty said he’ll likely get out this week, but she’ll be in her new place by then. So it’s pretty sad that I never got to say good bye to him. I will miss them.
"because they screwed up my mail forwarding." I believe you were warned about this. Oh, yeah. by me. Sorry to hear of your problems, welcome to the club.
As for saying good bye to your old landlord … a door closes, another opens; life happens. The only real question is this: is life a circle (same damn thing over and over) or a line (one damn thing after another)? Whichever it is, the people you never expect to see again, you will; and the people you expect to see again, you don't. So never burn your bridges and never put love on hold for a more timely phase in your life.
Touché, JohnB, touché.
As for my landlords – even if one door closing –> another door opening, I still think it's OK to acknowledge that a time in one's life has come to an end and that I will miss them. Doesn't mean I'm not going to enjoy this new adventure!