Go Canada Go!
Ok, so that was a close hockey game! Canada had a nice, comfortable 3-0 lead and then the Slovaks scored two and I nearly died of five heart attacks ((I totally stole this line from @enniscath. Because it perfectly sums it up)) . But thanks to Roberto Luuuuuuuongo ((as an aside, I love watching hockey games where Roberto Luongo is playing with someone who has never seen him play before. Whenever he makes a save, the entire crowd stays yelling “Loooooooou!” and the new person gets very confused, “Why is everyone booing him?”)) and his awesome goaltending ((I just typed that as “goldtending” at first. Freudian slip!)), we are going to the gold medal game!
Here’s a photo of me watching the game at Robson Square:
Props to the nice volunteers who were handing out the plastic ponchos! It kept me from being entirely soaked – I was just nearly entirely soaked.
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Tags: Canada, Olympics, rainy, Robson Square, Vancouver, Vancouver 2010, Vancouver Olympics, Winter Olympics
A guy in the bar we were in whipped around and gave me a really, really evil look after I "Luuuuuuuuuu!"ed a little too loudly. Then he saw my Team Canada jersey and did a massive double take. A minute or two later, he turned back round and said "you said Luuuuu, didn't you? Not boooooooo?"
My parents called from England during the final and then again at the end. It was the first hockey game they'd ever seen, and they absolutely loved it. But they also asked "why do you boo your own goalie? Is it a superstition thing?"
LOL! Yup, superstition requires that we boo our own goalie.
Also, in Canada – moose can fly!