NaBloPoMo 2013!
So it’s that time of year again – National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo), the month in which bloggers blog every. single. day. I was seriously considering skipping NaBloPoMo this year, because omg so busy, but then I thought “how many years have I done NaBloPoMo?” and it turns out the answer is the last FIVE YEARS ((Granted, in 2008 I don’t think I knew November is NaBloPoMo, but I did blog every single day in November 2008, so it totally counts.)). And really, how can I break a five year tradition? Also, look how pretty that NaBloPoMo badge is! So I made the executive decision that I will, in fact, attempt the feat, but with the caveat that many of my blog postings will probably be pretty short. Some might even just big a picture or a video or something. But I will attempt to some kind of posting every day.
Let the blogging begin!