Goals for 2015

Is it wrong that I’ve been excited about making my 2015 goals list since about mid-November? I’m not sure why I’m such a goal fanatic but the idea of setting goals and working towards them makes me unnaturally happy. Anyway, I now present to you my 2015 goals, some of which are old familiars by this point (either from my previous years’ goals lists and/or taken from my 101 list), but also a few new ideas to keep things interesting.


  1. Run two half marathons. I’ve already registered for the BMO Vancouver half and then I’ll pick one in the fall – Montreal Rock’n’Roll in September is a possibility, depending on my work schedule.
  2. Run a sub-2 hour half marathon. I’ve had this as a goal since I started running half marathons, but if I’m honest with myself, I’ve never really dedicated myself to the amount and type of training needed to achieve it. So this year, I’m really going to dedicate myself to the training for the BMO – and no amount of cold, rain, or hills will be allowed to be an excuse this time. I’ve even signed up for a Sunday morning running clinic so I’ll always have someone to do the long runs with. 2015 will be the year that I will get this one done.
  3. Run 800 km. I’m betting I can do better than the 82% of this goal that I managed in 2014, especially given that I’m planning to be more dedicated to my half marathon training.
  4. Add 5 new medals to my collection. The two half marathons will give me two medals, so I’ll just need to find 3 other races with medals. There’s the Hot Chocolate 5 km in March where you get a medal AND a hot chocolate, which is pretty much a no brainer. So I guess I just need to find 2 more.
  5. Complete the 100 pushup challenge. I haven’t tried this one in a while, but I figure it’s good for me to do something related to upper body strength, given that I have none.
  6. Bring lunch to work more often than I buy lunch at work. I have been absolutely abysmal at bringing my lunch to work, pretty much since I started my MBA, when I got too busy to do such things as buy groceries. I used to be really good about it before that, bringing my lunch almost every single day, but somehow I have not been able to get back into that routine, despite being done school for a year. I really just need to be a tiny bit more organized at getting groceries and doing some meal planning (because I love having leftovers for lunch!)
  7. Lose those last 5 lbs that I gained during my MBA. If I do the above 4 things, I think I’ll have a good shot at this one.


  1. Set up a new investment plan. As I mentioned, I did this last year, but now I need to do it again!
  2. Write a will. This is on my 101 list, but I’m putting it here as a prompt to do it sooner rather than later. Have to make sure that my kitties inherit my vast estate! 😉
  3. Pay off 7.5% of my mortgage principal. According to my trusty spreadsheet, just making my regular accelerated biweekly payments, I will pay off 3.4% of my remaining principal. But since I have the option to put lump sums on my mortgage, I figure I find some extra coin to pay off a bit extra.


  1. Complete 15 items from my 101 list. This is a bit more than 1 per month – that should be do-able.
  2. Apply for at least one research grant. I don’t have any specific ones that I’m planning on, but I really should get on doing this!
  3. Make 15 new food or drink items that I’ve never made before. I have a few ideas for this, including trying my hand at making puff pastry from scratch.
  4. Organize all my closets. They are a disaster, but I have a good idea of how they should be organized.
  5. Write 115 blog postings. That’s only 2.2 blog posting per week.

So there are my 15 goals for 2015!

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