
Category: books

  • Summer Reading

    Since I last reviewed the books I’d read this year here on ye ole blog, I’ve been on quite a roll with reading and have read SEVEN books in those TWO months! What follows are my brief reviews of these books – expect spoilers! Vancouver Is Ashes: The Great Fire of 1886 by Lisa Anne Smith […]

  • Five More Books Read

    I totally thought I posted this several days ago, but when I just logged into my blog to write another blog posting, I first discovered my blog was completely down (thanks, Kalev, for fixing it for me super fast!) and then discovered that I had not, in fact, hit “publish”. So here it is – […]

  • Five New Foods, Two Books, and One Hell of a Deadlift

    After last year’s pathetic display of accomplishing so few of my goals, I’ve decided to come out of the 2018 gate strong. In fact, I’ve already made 5 new foods/beverages that I’ve never made before (of my goal to make 18 new things year), finished 2 books (of my goal of 18), and deadlifted my […]

  • Books I Read in 2017

    As I mentioned recently, I’ve done absolutely abysmally on my goal of reading 17 books in 2017. I did managed to finish off two of the books I was reading when I wrote that last posting ((I did read a chunk more of Better Angels of Our Nature over the holidays, mostly during my flights […]

  • Stuff I Learned This Year: Canning Edition

    And speaking of stuff I learned through books I read: this year I learned about home canning! Last year, I made some jams. But this year, thanks to a book that my friend Linda gave to me, Foolproof Preserving: A Guide to Small Batch Jams, Jellies, Pickles, Condiments & More, I actually learned more about the […]

  • Stuff I Learned This Year: Epigenetics Edition

    So I’ve been totally slack on blogging about the stuff I’ve learned this year as part of my goal to learn 12 new things in 2017. I’ve been learning stuff, but just not getting around to blogging about it. But I’m on vacay now, so I’ll have time to catch up on all the stuff […]

  • Books

    So speaking of books, I have been absolutely pathetic at reading this year. I just looked on Good Reads to see how close to my goal of reading 17 books this year and discovered to my dismay that I have read a mere *two* books this year. TWO! I mean, I feel like I must have […]

  • RIP Kobo

    My kobo ((Which I had named Luna, after Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter series.)), appears to be no longer capable of holding a charge. I plug it in overnight and it seems like it’s charged, but then a few hours later (during which time it isn’t being used) and I see this: I guess […]

  • Books I Read in 2016

    I set my goal to read 16 books in 2016 and I started off strong with books I was reading for fun, but the decision to take on teaching a new course meant that come the summer, when I did my course development, the type of book I was reading was predominantly textbook. Also hampering […]

  • Writing

    I love writing. I’m not sure what it is about writing that gets me so excited. It’s almost like I have all these ideas whirling around in my head and I have to write them down to get them out. There’s something very satisfying about that. There’s also something gratifying about looking at something that […]

December 2024