That’s how many references I have in my lit review chapter. I’m tempted to throw in 5 gratuitous references, just to make it a nice round 200. What do you think? Should I?

So far, my chapter two has 69 references (tee hee! 69), chapter three has 61, and chapter four has 20 (there is some overlap in references between chapters, so I’m not sure what the grand total is). And my references range in publication date from 1925 to 2006. It’s only Jan 6 and I have two 2006 references! Hooray for pre-publication e-articles!

Into totally unrelated news, the Canada won gold in a 5-0* victory over the Russians at the World Juniors here in Vancouver tonight — go Canada!! I was especially pleased to see Luc Bourdon (a Canucks prospect) playing well and I’m wishing the Canucks had that Pogge kid!

With the Juniors, the Olympics coming up, the Canucks finally winning a freaking game, and my own term two hockey season starting up soon, I may have to change my blog title to “Thesis Writing is Hell, but HOCKEY RULES”

*I had to put in this asterisk because it really should have been 5-1, as the Russians scored a goal that was missed. Even the Russian players didn’t know they’d scored, but when the video guys looked at it, they saw the puck clearly went it, but it was too late to call it as they had already dropped the puck and resumed play. It always sucks when stuff like that happens

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  • I was actually watching that game when I was sitting at the local waiting for my friends.

    I don’t profess to be too excited about it, but it is nice that it was such a landslide victory for us.


  • Hey, Beth…just answering your question (is this appropriate blog etiquette…I don’t know), but I will be in SF for at least 3 months this summer.

    Maybe you will be there? Maybe you will be in Vancouver…I need to catch up on your posts.


  • I have nothing on-topic to add to this conversation, but I would like to note that my verification word is ‘pweef.’


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