What does not destroy me, makes me stronger*.

I really hope that’s true. Because if it is, I’m going to be the strongest person EVER!

I’m moving. I hate moving, but I’m doing it anyway. Moving to a cheaper place – not too far from where I am now, but much more affordable than my current place. It’s actually just a summer sublet, so I really, really, really hope that I’m done by the end of the summer, because if I’m not, I’ll be homeless! So on top of my professional and personal crises, I’ve decided to throw a move into the mix. You know, just for kicks. Oh yeah, and the shed where I will keep my bike at my new place has black widow spiders**. Seriously.

On a much happier topic, I bought a new pair of shoes on ebay! I had seen a pair of shoes that I really liked when I was in Seattle, but they only came in pink*** & lime green. And I’ve been obsessed with finding these shoes in a reasonable colour, but the only pair I’ve been able to find in Vancouver cost $90, which is much more than someone who is moving into spider-haven to save some cash is willing or able to pay for a pair of shoes. But I found them for super cheap on ebay (even with shipping and the exchange rate)… what do you think?

*When I Googled this to find out who originally said this, I was surprized to discover that it was Nietzsche – I hadn’t realized that before. I also saw another good quotation during my Googling: “I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.” You said it!

**And you know how I feel about spiders!! When I took Zoology in my undergrad, I didn’t even read the chapter on arachnids. I was willing to sacrifice any marks pertaining to the eight-legged monsters in order to not have to look at pictures of them in my textbook.

***And you know how I feel about pink!

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  • Those shoes look dangerous!!! They just scream: “I want to look taller, so I will sacrifice my ankles!”

    I am not one to talk. Ask Sarah about my ‘professional shoes’ in ’99!


  • I should post a picture of my boots — they are platforms that actually make me 4 inches taller — almost the height of a real person! But they are actually super comfortable. Especially compared to the shoes I had for Sarah’s wedding… I wore those out to a club like 2 weeks ago and I still have the scars to prove it!


  • My thoughts? You are a braver woman than I. I would most certainly break an ankle in those things (however, I’m tall enough to want to avoid being any taller than I already am)


  • I LOVE THOSE SHOES!! I’m known as the woman who never, ever wears flat shoes. In high school, I even had a pair of those dorky tennis shoes with platforms on the bottom.

    As to the opening line of this entry, I pray to whoever’s listening that it’s true. If not . . . well, I don’t want to think about that.

    Good luck with the move!


  • New shoes are like new life, sometimes.

    If they are comfortable, they rock.

    Because they look cool.


  • I am back, and I am chiming in late on Katie’s ‘professional shoes’ that she wore when we were visiting places like the WHO headquarters back in 1999 (ahh…the heady, early days of our friendship, tooling around Europe…)

    These shoes were better suited to professions like the ones we saw in the red light districts we explored in Amsterdam and Brussels…

    I also remember the wedding shoes. All the “we’re suffering for Sarah!!’ comments. You guys rock!


  • These shoes are fucking disgusting…. they are as ugly in the picture as they are on her feet. Grow a sense of style you fool. xxx


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