Radio Stars

Now that I’m a 9 to 5er, I spend about 8 hours a day listening to the radio. I am partial to the station that brings you Hump at the Pump and Wear the Fox Hat. On the morning show, they have open phones and every time they have a different set of rules. One of the rules is always, “No swearing,” but the other rules are devised, I’m pretty sure, based on the DJs mood. Yesterday it was “No Calgarians. Calgary is embarrassing Canada, so no Calgarians are allowed to call today during open phones.” Today they expanded it to “No Albertans. Sure the Flames won last night, but they are still embarassing us.” What’s not to like about a show like that?!

Another reason I like that station is because, like everyone else in Vancouver, the DJs there are obsessed with all things Canucks right now and have a hate on for the evil Dallas Stars (or Dallas Douchebags, as they like to call them). Several times a day you get to hear: “Welcome to Dallas, birthplace of Osama bin Laden.” And they like to do prank phone calls too. Yesterday one of them called the stadium in Dallas, saying that he is a Canucks fan who was going to the game in Dallas and was wondering where he can put his 7 live beavers that he will be bringing to the game for good luck. “I’ve bought tickets for them, but was just wondering if you have a pen I can put them in when I go to get my beer.” It always amazes me how long people will stay on the phone with a prank caller, taking them seriously.

Today’s prank call was even funnier. When we beat the Stars tomorrow (Thursday) night, they will be eliminated from the playoffs, meaning they will be getting an early start on the golf season compared with hockey players on good teams who continue on in the playoffs. So this DJ he called the Dallas Stars office and said, “I’m with the Dallas National Golf Course and I’m calling to confirm a tee time on Friday for a foursome of Mike Modano, Sergei Zubov, Joel Lundqvist and Marty Turco.”


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Category: sports