Today I Got Mistaken For Me

Today, I ran into a woman that I have known for over 6 years. I was walking down a hallway in a building on campus (I was there for a workshop) and noticed her in a room that I was passing by, so I smiled and said “hi.” She smiled and said “hi”, but then when she stepped out of the room, she said, “oh, I’m sorry, I thought you were someone that I know.” Needless to say, I was confused, so I said, “You do know me” and she was like “Beth? Are you Beth?” And I was like “yup” and she was like “Oh, I thought it was you, but then when I got a better look, I thought it wasn’t you. Didn’t I just see you a few weeks ago??” I had, in fact, seen her just a few weeks ago. I said, “Oh, it’s my new haircut” and she said, “Was your hair this long when I last saw you?” “Actually, it was several inches longer! But I didn’t have the bangs.”

It’s very weird to be mistaken for yourself.

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