I <3 Winning Stuff

I can’t resist a contest1. But a contest with Vancouver Giants tickets and two day passes to Mount Seymour for prizes and a chance to promote donations to the Vancouver Food Bank? No way I’m missing out on this

The contest is being run by Miss604 in honour of her blogiversary2. You may remember Miss604 from such blog postings as: she beat me in the race to post a picture of oneself in a printer box and these overpriced Canucks earrings are cool!

You may remember the Vancouver Giants from such achievements as winning the 2007 Memorial Cup, getting into 5 simultaneously on-ice fights with Kamloops Blazer players and playing a team whose goalie smiled at me.

seymourI’ve been skiing at Mount Seymour one time, last season, when they had free ski passes for women on Monday nights. My friends were all “meh, it’s just a mountain” but I thought it was pretty awesome. Of course, I grew up and learned to ski in a mountainless place where they are called “ski areas” as opposed to Mount Such-and-Such.

And last, but certainly not least, a shout out goes to the Vancouver Food Bank. The Food Bank helps tens of thousands of individuals every week – you can click on this link to donate to them.

1Procrastinate on getting around to writing my entry for a contest, yes. Resist, no.
2I would like to point out that I have fulfilled my contractual obligations3 for this contest at a mere 51 words into this blog posting. Yet I will continue to ramble because that’s just how I roll.
3OK, technically, there is no “contract”, but it just sounds cool, no?

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