Happy St. Patrick’s Day and other things

  • Happy St. Patrick’s Day. I’m 1/2 Irish, so Erin Go Bragh!
  • Happy byelection day, if you live in Vancouver Quadra or any of the other ridings holding byelections. I cast my vote early this morning, and as of the time of my writing this blog posting (10:15 p.m.) Liberal candidate Joyce Murray is in the lead, with 36.7% of the vote (followed by “Tory” Deborah Meredith at 33.7% ) with 228 of 327 polls reporting.
  • Speaking of Deborah Meredith, in the few days leading up the byelection, her lawn signs were all adorned with big yellow stickers that said “Tackling Crime.” Seriously? Tackling crime in Dunbar? Have you ever *been* to this neighbourhood, Ms. Meredith? The average age of residents in this ‘hood is about 347 years old. There’s no crime in this neighbourhood, unless “young whipper snappers walking on my lawn” counts as a crime now.
  • In the continuing fall out of this weekend’s hockey tournament: Parts of me that hurt right now = neck, left triceps, groin. But it’s totally worth it to be a league champion and to get to go to provincials!

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