Testing out BlogDesk

My sister’s bf suggested that I try BlogDesk , what with the eating of the post I wrote yesterday by WordPress1. So I just wanted to write a quick post to test it out. So far I’m not liking that I have to go up the “View” menu to switch between the WYSIWYG and the Source code (on WordPress site you just have to click on a tab). Plus, I was just playing with an image and I can’t figure out how to maintain the aspect ratio while re-sizing the image2. And it keeps putting <p> tags in that I don’t want. Anyhoodle, I’m going to click “publish” now to see if this actually works.

1What happened was I had left WordPress open in a Flock tab the day before, so when I went to write my new blog post, I just started writing it there. But when I hit “publish,” I was taken to the login screen, as apparently I wasn’t actually still logged in. And thus my post was eaten.

2I tried holding down each of “Ctrl”, “Alt” and “Shift” while re-sizing, all to no avail.

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