Apparently I Am Also Not To Be Trusted with Sewing Needles
Oh well, it’s better than the times I accidentally stabbed myself in the finger with hypodermic needles in the lab.
The Internet’s leading authority on radicalized geese
Oh well, it’s better than the times I accidentally stabbed myself in the finger with hypodermic needles in the lab.
Ouch! I stuck a huge needle (like 12 gage or something) clear through my finger until it hit the nail once. It bled like crazy. And hurt like a bitch I might add. Of course, I was trying to shove it through the snout of a fish, so I suppose it might have been karma biting me in the ass. I had to finish the surgery with a bleeding, nasty finger. Good times. At least I don’t have to worry about getting (or giving) any nasty diseases to my fish!
Can you tell I’m studying for comps right now and am totally procrastinating?
LOL! I started this blog as a way to procrastinate writing my thesis. And now you read it to procrastinate. The circle of life continues.
Both times I stabbed myself with a needle I was about to (or just had) stab(bed) a rat with said needle, so it was probably karma getting me too.
And paper cuts, my friend… Unfun…