Global Metal Review

So Raul invited me to join him and some others to attend a movie premiere last night. Well, I believe he actually “informed” me that I would be attending rather than “inviting” exactly, but that’s neither here nor there. The movie was a Canadian documentary called Global Metal and it was being shown as part of the First Weekend’s Club‘s Canada Screens series.

You can read much more insightful and professional reviews on Raul’s & Rebecca‘s blogs. Here on NTBTWK, we eschew thorough coverage and professionalism for quick tidbits and using the word eschew as many times as possible.

The Movie:

  • metalhead and anthropologist Sam Dunn checks out how heavy metal differs – and ways in which it doesn’t – in countries as diverse as Brazil, Japan, China, India, Indonesia, Israel, and United Arab Emirates1
  • contains one of the most brilliant cuts I’ve seen on film. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone, but I’ll give you the teaser that it involves Lars Ulrich
  • you should go see it. Go see it now!

The Venue:

  • District 319 located at, not surprisingly, 319 Main St. is a pretty cool little theatre, where the seats are all armchairs
  • you should go there. Go there now!2

After the movie, we went to the Alibi Room:

Andy, me, Rebecca (a.k.a. Miss604), Raul & Trevor.
Photo credit: Raul on Flickr

And, in honour of Global Metal, Rebecca and I show our best devil hours:

Photo credit: Raul on Flickr

1At the concert in UAE, he talked to metalheads from a number of countries, including some Iranian people that he arranged to meet in Dubai, as he wasn’t allowed to enter Iran.
2Well, maybe not right now. But the first chance you get to see something there, I highly recommend it.

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