I can has Zazzle?
A while ago I Twittered this plea:
Does anyone know of anywhere that I can get Moo-sized cards that aren’t from Moo? I want some, but need to get them in less than 27 weeks.
I recalled a number of people complaining that the Moo cards they ordered for Northern Voice or SXSW took forever to arrive, so I was hoping that there would be a quicker alternative. And Flying Spaghetti Monster bless Twitter, Miss604 came to my rescue with the suggestion that I try Zazzle!
After much hemming and hawing over what to make my cards look like, I settled on two designs: one featuring a photo of my eyes1 and the other featuring a brain2.
Photo credit: Miss 604 on Flickr
And why, you ask, do I need these cards? Because I’m going to BlogHer3 on Thursday!!
My attendance at BlogHer, just like my using Zazzle for my cards (and the above photo of my Zazzle cards), is thanks to Rebecca. About a month ago, she wrote about how she was looking to sell off her BlogHer registration as she was no longer able to attend, so I contacted her and we worked out a deal. So excited!4
1props to photographer Jorge for taking this photo
2that I licensed from iStockphoto.com
3I am a bit choked that Kris won’t be there this year. Every year, Kris goes to Blogher and I’ve been dying to meet her since forever. I guess she’ll just have to come out to Vancouver to visit me some time =)
4Plus, I’m staying at my friend Katie’s place and it will be awesome to see her again!
Funny, I had no problems getting my Moo cards for my library conference earlier this year. I ordered them about three weeks before, and it took them less than 10 days to arrive.
Granted, I live about four provinces closer to the UK than most of the Northern Voice participants…
The cards look great, and you’ll have a fantastic time. Wish I was going and could challenge you to a little drinking. I mean, get to know you better . . . Enjoy, lady!
The eyes have it! Use the brain ones for writing short shopping lists on the other side. Seriously, they don’t look good, at least not in that photo!
We are off to the Deep South (no word of a lie – tomorrow we are in Alabama), so have an amazing time! Please give Katie lots of hugs for me!!
[…] To Be Trusted With Knives {July 16, 2008} Pitch My Blog As you know, I‘m off to BlogHer tomorrow! Well, the introductory brochure for Blogher suggests that I come prepared with a pitch for my […]
[…] got a lot of compliments on my “Bloggable” shirt (yay Northern Voice!) and on my Zazzle […]
The first time I ordered from Moo was last April/May, it took almost three months and multiple emails to get to me. But eventually I shrugged it off thinking it was probably my fault for getting regular mail when I live so far away, but really, what did they do, walk it all the way here?
I ordered business cards last Monday and paid $59(!!!!) for 2-3 days delivery because I need them specifically for an event. The 3rd day is tomorrow and my order is still stuck in London because they DHL says the paperwork Moo filed was incomplete. I am seething mad because that’s a ridiculous amount of money to be paying for shipping and it’s not getting here tomorrow when I specifically paid that ridiculous amount of money for it to be here by then. I’m done with that company.
Thanks for the Zazzle tip. Will try that next time.