Brain Cells
I already have a stuffed cold virus, a stuffed flu virus and a stuffed Ebola virus. But when I was in the airport waiting for my flight from San Francisco on Sunday, I discovered that they now make stuffed brain cells!
So cute.
The Internet’s leading authority on radicalized geese
I always thought they would look less elephant-like.
On a side note, I just found out that LOL is built in to the dictionary of the v2 iPhone/iPod touch. Very handy for googling LOLcats. And Miss604 will be happy to know that her name is now acceptable on the devices.
Awww. So cute. I want to see the others (the cold, ebola, etc.)
@Chris – The stuff brain cells are not to scale =)
@Raul – Your wish is my command! View all of the stuffed viruses/bacteria/cells on the Giant Microbes website: Just for pictures of the three that I own, check out this blog posting
[…] is a small subset of my whole collection. When I saw a recent post by Beth Snow on stuffed brain cells, I knew exactly what I wanted for my next stuffed animal (I don’t have any in my Vancouver […]