5 Random Things

  1. My dad has a blog. And he even used “LOL.” This, from a man who used a Commodore 64 up until 2004, is pretty frickin’ amazing.
  2. My favourite Twitterer is Angry Rock. Angry Rock is, as her name suggests, an angry rock. An angry rock who tells you that she will smash you. Smash you good.
  3. Don’t forget to donate to Tanya’s half marathon to support the Canadian Diabetes Association!  She needs your help to reach her goal of raising $4500!
  4. Tomorrow is the first day of the new class that I’m teaching.  As you know, I spend far too much time thinking about what to wear when I teach.  Which of these outfits do you think I should wear?
  5. My apartment was unnecessarily cold when I sat down, with a cup of tea, to write this.  Now, after having an overheating laptop on my lap and a giant cup of tea, it feels unimaginably hot in here.

P.S. I’m tired.  Ever so tired. So glad my class is an afternoon one, and not a morning one!

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Category: random