Titles With No Posts
I’m usually pretty terrible at naming things. But every once in a while a name for something just pops into my head, without the something to go along with it. Here are some blog posting titles that have landed in my brain, but without a blog posting to go with them:
- Dr. Bloglove – Or Why You Should Stop Worrying and Love My Blog
- You’re So Vain, You Probably Think This Blog is About You
- Shin Splints and Split Infinitives
- Proactively Multi-tasking Outside the Box
- It’s my Blog and I’ll Prevaricate if I Want To
I may someday come up with blog postings to go with some of these but, for now, I’ll use this posting as a brain dump for posting-less titles.
I’ve been holding onto Palsied But Ballsy for a while but haven’t yet found a use for it. Probably because I haven’t joined a geriatric sports league yet.