Do You Think There’s Anything In There For You?
I generally like to start my Christmas shopping around Dec 23. Living across the country from my family means that I can’t really do that, so I generally do my shopping around Dec 18, buying everything in one frantic day and then praying to the FSM that Canada Post will deliver in time for Christmas. This year, however, I’m going to visit my family in late November for my wee niece’s 4th birthday, so I’ve decided to be responsible and do my Christmas shopping before then so that I can bring all my presents with me to Ontario. This may also have to do with my cheapness responsible frugality, as bringing presents on my trip means I won’t have to pay the exorbitant shipping costs I usually face come Christmas time. Thus far, I have purchased a grand total of two – count em, two! – Christmas presents, as well as a few things for my niece’s birthday. So, yeah, still a ways to go, but it’s a start!
There better be something in there for me (eventually)… I already have yours on the way (the way to me, not you).
Just don’t take mine to Ontario and leave it there.
Of course there will be something in there for you eventually. I already have ideas. Yes, ideas PLURAL. But I figure I have until Dec to get yours, as I have no intention of bringing your gift to Ontario in November.