Random Photos On My Camera

So, I snapped this pic on my camera phone in Superstore the other day.  Because it’s the stupidest product ever and I just had to share that with you.


This is a “tea bag squeeze.”  As in, a gadget that you use to squeeze out your tea bag.  Seriously.  Am I the only one who thinks that there is something wrong with someone who would own a gadget the sole purpose of which is to squeeze out tea bags?

When I went to upload that photo to Flickr to share it will all y’all, I discovered a whole bunch of photos on my phone that I’d taken thinking, “that is so bloggable,” but for some reason (probably because I got distracted by something shiny), I’d neglected to blog them.  Such gems include this sign that I saw in a restaurant:

Not exactly environmentally friendlyNot exactly environmentally friendly

… just a bit different than your usual “you only have one mouth, just take one napkin dammit!” signs.

Also, these Pride cupcakes, whose picture I took this past summer when I was in T.O.:

Pride Cupcakes

Mmm, cupcakes.  And contrast those with this:


A package of powdered poutine mix.  Powdered? Sacrilegious!  Mon Dieu!

And speaking of French, does “dressing” really translate to “farce”?



French item #2.  I took this photo in an airport somewhere (although I don’t remember where).

Hors Taxes

Whores taxes. Hee hee.

And, finally, my camera phone allowed me to capture a series of photos which show why you can’t get work done with a cat in the house:

“Here, I’ll just sit here while you work”


“I know, I’ll work the mousepad for you!” (This is when the cursor starts jumping wildly around the screen):


“You are working too slow! Let me do it!”


And that is why you got that email from me that said, “as;oidfhjaskdf55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.”

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  • I think you mean Sacre Coeur or Sacre Bleu!

    And it’s Duty Free in French, silly. (No, I know you know that.)

    The Pride cupcakes are awesome. Nothing says equality like your very own cupcakes!


  • No, I meant “sacrilegious.” It means pertaining to or involving sacrilege or guilty of sacrilege. As in “It is sacrilegious to make poutine from a powdered mix.”


  • I was actually referring to your use of “Mon Dieu” and basically was referring to the fact that we’ve discussed how all the worst swear words/exclamations in Quebec are, in fact, sacrilegious ones like Sacre Coeur, Sacre Blue, and tabarna(c|k).

    That is, I was saying you should use something stronger than “Mon Dieu” to explain the horror that is powdered poutine.


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