Hockey Team #2
The UBC Rec hockey league, women’s division, is back up and running this semester. We tried to get it going last semester, but only two women’s teams registered and the other team didn’t want to play the same opponent (i.e., us) every single game. This semester, the league has managed to pull together a third team so the division is good to go. And we had our first game on Monday. On the big rink at the new Thunderbird Arena. This one:
Holy Flying Spaghetti Monster, that’s some good ice. I swear I was skating twice as fast as I normally do, with the beautiful ice surface and the huge stadium seating all around, not to mention our team names up on the big clock hanging up over centre ice, just knowing that I’m skating on the same rink where Olympians will be skating in a little more than a year. So. Cool.
So, yeah, I figure since I’m swamped with my regular job plus teaching two courses, why not add a second hockey team to this semester’s to-do list?
Also, playing at UBC again made me think of the sign that used to hang in one of the dressing rooms:
I wonder whatever happened to that sign.
It is a beauty renovation on the rink for sure. I am looking forward to seeing women’s and sledge hockey there in 2010. Skate tuff!
[…] have to say the ice is pretty damn nice. (Comparable, I’d say, to the Olympic-sized rink at UBC ). It was also pretty cool to skate through the crease and think, “damn, this is wear […]