Welcome To The World, Teddy!

Congratulations are in order for Sarah, the Resident Historian and Chief Political Correspondent here on Not To Be Trusted With Knives, and her husband, Dave, who welcomed their son, Teddy, to the world on Jan 20!

I’ve seen a few pictures and have to say that he’s pretty damn cute.  Also, he looks just like me when I was born1 . Which totally makes biological sense. I mean, I’m his Aunt Beth2, after all.

On the left, Teddy, in a photo I stole off Dave’s blog. On the right, me, a mere 32 years, 11 days ago.
1Yes, I realize the arrogance of that statement. I have a category of rampant narcissism for a reason, you know!
2where “Aunt” = honorary aunt as we are in no way genetically related.

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