Sleep Deprivation Makes Beth a Bad Blogger

So I had hopes of writing a great blog posting about how I am the harbinger of mechanical failure lately.  I had lots of material to work with *and* it would give me a chance to use the word harbinger.  Instead, here’s how my evening went:

  • leave work around 5:15 p.m.
  • stop at grocery store on the way home as I’m in desperate need of coffee beans, laundry soap and AAA batteries
  • come home, put groceries away
  • eat some bread and raita
  • lie down on couch “for a minute”
  • awaken, somewhat disoriented, more than three hours later

I blame having a hockey game last night at 11 p.m., plus having to give a lecture at 8 this morning.  And fiscal year end.  I’m pretty sure that fiscal year end is the cause of all that is wrong with the world.

So, yeah, it’s another blog posting apologizing for my lack of a real blog posting. I think that’s kind of my specialty.  But tomorrow, there will be stories of mechanical failure and harbingering1.  Promise.

1omg, I can’t believe “harbingering” is an actual word.

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  • I don’t believe that it is. As in, even if I saw it in a dictionary, I would scoff.

    It was so great in class a few weeks ago when someone actually said “harBRINGER,” which is what I myself had always thought the word was (back in grade school). So I’m not the only one who finds the word confusing.

    But to nominalise it by adding “ing?” Blasphemous!


  • Perhaps you failed to make a profound statement about mechanical failure. On the other hand, perhaps you made an especially profound statement about the mechanistic dimension of the human condition. Then again, if you succeeded in addressing mechanical failure by way of demonstrating physiological malfunction, is that success not mutually exclusive with failure? *ponder* *nap*

    Demonweed’s last blog post..What You Should Think About Balance


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