
Tomorrow, I shall add one more province to my list of provinces I’ve visited, bringing the total to 8 out of 10 (and 9 out of 13 provinces + territories).  For tonight, I leave for Fredericton, NB! Being that New Brunswick is on the other side of the country  and is 4 time zones ahead of Pacific Time *and* I have a two hour layover in Toronto, I’m leaving here at ~10 p.m. tonight and arriving in F-town at 10 a.m. tomorrow!

I’m heading there for a conference being held at the University of New Brunswick. I’m actually going there on my former employer’s dime, as I’d applied to give – and had accepted –  a presentation and a poster about the program I used to run long before my new job was even a glimmer in my eye.  I have a kick ass poster (thanks to Tod who took my vague ideas and made them look super awesome and professional-like) and the workings of a decent presentation (that’s what the plane ride is for, right? Polishing1 one’s presentation, yes?)

Anyhoo, I guess I should get back to my packing2. What does one wear to a “Maritime Kitchen Party” anyway?

1And I may be using the word “polishing” liberally here. I may actually mean “create from scratch.”
2And by “packing” I may mean “trying to decide which pairs of shoes I should bring with me.”

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