Only A Fortnight Left!

Remember that time I started taking a self-portrait a day and said I’d continue to do that for 365 days? Well, today marks Day 351, meaning that there is only a fornight left of photos to be taken for that project to be complete. Just 14 photos between me and the glory that is completing this project ((Completing the project may or may not contain glory.)).

Here are a few of my favs so far:

Day 153Day 6
Day 276Day 68Day 112Day 266 - Happy Pi Day!Day 285Day 103Day 248Day 253Day 306 - At Tokyo Police Club showDay 329Day 148Day 183Day 212Day 159
Day 196Day 193 - New Year's EveDay 131Day 272

And here’s a link to the whole set.

Any last suggestions of what self-portrait photos I should take between now and June 21?

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