My Dad’s Birthday

Drinking a Timmy'sA year ago, I wrote a birthday blog posting for my dad. When I wrote it, I had no idea that it would be the last birthday my dad would live to see. I had no idea that I’d only see him twice in person after writing that post ((In June 2011, when I went to Ontario for a family reunion and in February 2012, when I went to be with him and my family for his brain surgery.)). I really did not expect to be reading that posting at his funeral just 8 months later.

When I look back, I’m really, really happy that I wrote that posting when I did. My dad was really touched by it – he knew that I’d learned a lot from him and that I loved him. I’m sad that there’s so much he’s going to miss out on – and I miss him so much. But at least I know that he knew how much he meant to me – and I got to tell him that not just before he died, but when we all thought he’d be around for many, many years to come.

Today, I drank a Tim Horton’s coffee in my Dad’s honour. Here’s to you, Daddy. I love you.

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