I’m Not Procrastinating. You’re Procrastinating: A 7 Year Retrospective

7A mere 2,557 days ago, I started my blog. And I ended that very first blog posting with the words: “I’m not procrastinating. You’re procrastinating.” And who would have thought that 7 years later my Little Procrastination Project That Could would still be chugging along, providing a procrastination venue for me. When I started my blog, I was still procrastinating writing my Ph.D. dissertation – which seems like ages ago! Who would have thought that this blog would see me through not only writing that, but also through enough time to forget why I was so glad to be done school and to start school again!

Undoubtedly, this blog also provides a procrastination vehicle for readers as well – I think this especially when I see most of the Google searches that bring people to this blog are “[Name of NHL Hockey Player] + shirtless”. Perhaps having more photos of shirtless NHL players should be my goal for my 8th year of blogging!

Of course, no blogiversary posting would be complete without a few stats. In the past 7 years:

  • I’ve published 2,135 posts, or 0.83 posts per day, or 1 posting every 28.7 hours
  • I’ve received 6,956 comments, or 2.72 comments per day, or 3.26 comments per posting
Happy 7th blogiversary, Nottobetrustedwithknives.com. Happy blogiversary long time!

Image Credit: Posted by Leo Reynolds on Flickr

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Category: Nerdery