
Apparently this was a weekend for trying out new places to eat, because this afternoon I found myself at Applewood ((I know I sound like a broken record, but I again have no affiliation with this place. Just blogging as a blogger is want to do.)). A coworker of mine had told me about it recently – it’s a little teashop in Delta where you can get fresh baked goods and fancy tea. It’s totally tucked away where you’d never see it, but apparently gets a lot of their business by word-of-mouth. Their tagline is “just like Grandma’s” and I have to say, they aren’t far off. Assuming your grandma was British or at least loved all things British. I was easily able to convince Devon to go there by telling him that they have scones with Devon cream, something he has been missing since he moved back from the UK. Devon also forbid me from making any jokes about “Devon’s cream” here on ye old blog – but you know how good I am at obeying the rules ((That is to say: I am not good at obeying rules.)). But then I realized that I don’t actually have a fully formed joke about it. Just saying “Devon cream” makes me giggle.

Since we hadn’t eaten anything before we got there, we decided to have lunch. The lunches themselves ((I had chicken and mushroom crepes and Devon had a tuna melt, both of which came with salads that were nothing to write home about.)) were OK, but the tea and the baked goods were divine! My lunch came with a cloverleaf bun:

Cloverleaf bun

It was still warm and it was freaking fantastic.

We had the Queen Mary tea – which was awesome – and we shared a scone with raspberry jam and Devon cream for dessert ((Snicker. Devon cream.)).


The decor was everything you’d expect from a little British tea shop – bone china cups and collector spoons (just like my Granny used to have!) . They even had tea cup themed wallpaper ((Kicking myself for not taking a picture of it. It was hilarious!)).

Tea cup

Sugar Bowl


I’ll definitely be going back there for those scones. And the Devon cream. *Snicker*


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