The Days Are Long, So The Blog Postings Are Short
Left the house this morning at 7 am, didn’t get back until 10 pm ((I shouldn’t really complain, because this is pretty much my sister’s schedule three days a week, except that she leaves the house at 6 am instead of 7 am.)). Spent all day at a conference ((Learning is tiring!)), then went into Vancouver to meet Kalev for dinner.
The conference I was at for the last two days was a management conference held by my work – learned lots of things, have many ideas floating around in my head that I want to write about, but boy am I tired. The irony of this is that one of the things that the speakers were talking about was the importance of taking time to reflect, because we spent too much time go-go-going, and not enough time reflecting, making meaning. But they also talked about the importance of energy management and not feeling like we have to do it all, all the time. Right now my energy level is telling me that I need to go drink my tea in front of the fireplace, watching my froggys take their nightly frolic around the tank. Reflection can wait until tomorrow.
Yay… name-checked by the Doctor!