Merry Christmas Eve!

Christmas really snuck up on me this year and I can hardly believe it’s Christmas Eve already. I did the least amount of Christmas baking ever, as my plans for an evening of Christmas baking last Wednesday were thwarted by poor bridge design. I did cinnamon buns for a Christmas breakfast potluck at work on Tuesday and I helped out with some gingerbread that Devon’s sister and her kids were making yesterday, so the season wasn’t completely devoid of baking, but it was a heck of a lot less than I would have liked. 2012 has just been that kind of a year.

Happily, I’m enjoying a much needed break from both work and school ((Translation: Except to read some book reviews because I’m reading several non-school books at the moment!)) until the new year. I hope that you are all having a restful holidays with the people you care about.

santa frog

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