Goals 2017 Check In
We are more than 5/12 of the way through 2017 and first of all, how is that even possible? It feels like it was just New Year’s! But secondly, it seems like a good time to check in on my goals to see if I’m even remotely on track before the year completely gets away from me.
Let’s dive right in, shall we? Below is a list of the goals with notes on how I’m doing on each one. I’ve also colour coded them: green for those that are done or on track, orange for those where progress is made but the goal needs a bunch of work to get back on track, and red for those that are seriously in danger of not getting completed (or are already failed), plus grey for one that has been superseded.
1. Learn 12 new things (1 per month). | So far I’ve learned: plumbing, folding a fitted sheet, strength training, sewing, and growing balcony potatoes – I’ve also learned about one more thing but haven’t written it up yet, so I’m actually ahead on this one! |
2. KonMari my condo. | I have started this one, but have gotten a little stalled after I got through all my clothes and shoes (still have jewelry and purses to do before I can consider the “clothing” category done). Got a little distracted by teaching a course for the past 6 weeks, which took up a lot of my spare time, but that’s done now so I can get back to making giant piles of my belongings to decide which things bring me joy and thanking the ones that don’t make the cut for their service (lol!) |
3. Do yoga at least 2x per week (either at home or in a class). | Haven’t done it even once this year! |
4. Establish a weight training program and actually do regular weight training, where “regular” = at least 2x per week for at least 3 out of 4 weeks per month. | I’m doing excellent on this one! I have gone to the gym 3 days a week, every week, since I joined Strong Side on March 3. Hooray for me! |
5. Get back to journalling regularly (where “regularly” = once a week). | I forgot this one was a goal. I should really do this! Good thing I’m doing this check in to remind me! |
6. Travel somewhere awesome. | Scott and I are doing a road trip next week ((Attention would be robbers: My cat sitter will be here, so don’t even think of trying to rob me!)) and one of the places will be going is Jasper. Though it’s not far away, I do believe it constitutes awesome. |
7. Get gum graft surgery done. | Booked for July 4! |
8. Get a Nexus card. | Oh yeah, I should do this! |
9. Send an actual physical birthday card on time to all my family members and close friends. | Already failed at this one! Maybe next year… |
10. Bring my lunch to work 80% of the time. | I’ve been tracking this on a weekly basis, but hadn’t looked at the actual percentage until just now. I’m only at 56% Clearly I need to up my lunch game when I get back from my holidays! |
11. Complete the 100 push up challenge. | This goal has been superseded by my joining Strong Side. Hopefully I’ll start to get better at pushups – I’ve managed to make great improvements in my strength, but pushups remain tough for me. |
12. Submit 5 papers for publication. | I’ve gotten one submitted, I’ve got one that is about 85% of the way done, I’ve got one that I’ve planned out with my co-authors (but we haven’t yet started on), and I’ve got one in my brain. Better get working on the lesser done ones (and also come up with the 5th one!) |
13. Read 17 books. | I’ve only finished one so far this year (Maria Kondo’s book), but I’m in the middle of reading 4 different books at the moment, plus I have my friend Cath’s new book sitting on my coffee table waiting to be read. So I’m rather behind on this one and I mostly blame the fact that I spend my commute doing my Pokemon inventory management rather than reading |
14. Make 17 new foods and/or drinks that I’ve never made before. | I’ve only done 6 so far, but I’ve got some good ideas for other things, so I think I’ll manage this one. |
15. Write 117 blog postings! | Counting this one, I’ll have done 26 blog postings so far this year. I better step it up! |
16. Finish the plan for mystery thing #1. | I’m actually working on this in earnest this week – my mystery collaborator and I have the week off work to focus on this, so this goal is well underway. |
17. Finish the letter of intent for mystery thing #2. | I did finish this, so technically I completed my goal. Doesn’t look like this mystery thing is going to go anywhere, so let us never speak of it again. |
So I’m doing OK on several, have quite a few that are not on track, and a few on which I’ve made progress. So I guess now it’s time to turn some of those orange and reds into green!