
Tomorrow is municipal election day in BC and if you are an eligible voter and haven’t yet voted in an advanced poll, then get out there and vote!

A lot of people don’t pay attention to municipal politics, but the municipal government deals with a lot of the things that affect our daily lives: roads, recreation facilities and community centres, development permits, parks, libraries, schools, policing, fire fighting, garbage pickup, and recycling, just to name a few. In my city, New Westminster, the city even runs its own electrical utility! The city can also advocate for things that are important to its residents, but that aren’t wholly within their jurisdiction and/or collaborate with other municipalities and/or other levels of government for projects that require them to work together – thinks like public transit and the much needed Patullo Bridge replacement.

I consider myself lucky that I live in a vibrant city with a real community feel, where the mayor, council, and school board all work hard to make it that way and to keep making improvements where we still have work to do (things like reconciliation with indigenous people, and more inclusive and meaningful engagement with the public).

Since I’m currently over in the UK on holidays, I voted in an advanced poll and based on my Twitter feed, it seems like a lot of other people did too. But tomorrow is e-day, so if you haven’t voted yet, get out there and do it!

Due to the 8 hour time zone difference, I’m probably going to go to sleep tomorrow night before the election results are in. But I’ll be checking those results first thing when I get up on the 21st!

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