Salmon Spawning
Last weekend Scott and I decided to go do something that has been on my list of 101 things to do in 1001 days since the second iteration of my list (and I’m currently on my fourth iteration!): watch salmon spawning. We headed out to Maple Ridge, specifically Kanaka Creek, where salmon are knowing to run. Our first stop was the fish fence:
Which they use to count the salmon so they know how many salmon are spawning.
And this is what we saw on the fish fence:
So I knew that salmon die after they spawn, but I didn’t really think about the fact that going to see salmon spawning would mean seeing a bunch of dead fish, and then a few fish that are slowly swimming around on the brink of death.
I guess I should have been more specific in my list – like “go to see salmon spawning early enough that you see the part where they are jumping up the river, looking strong and determined!” Perhaps I’ll have to add that to my next 101 list!
On the plus side, the dead fish provide a delicious treat for bears ((Thankfully, we did not see any bears!)), who later poop in the woods (and also drop bits of salmon remains) and provide nitrogen for the trees, which later provide shade for baby salmon, so it’s the circle of life, as this sign told us:
Also, for some reason that sign has a random closing quotation mark after the word fry!, but there’s no opening quotation marks anywhere and it’s kind of driving me crazy.
In conclusion, salmon are cool and I wish I’d seen them in their more lively state! But I did see them, so I’m marking this one off of my 101 list as “complete!”
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Tags: 101 in 1001, BC, Kanaka Creek, Maple Ridge, salmon, salmon spawning, science