101 More Things To Do in the Next 1001 Days
You totally knew this was coming, didn’t you?
Having had my 101 list for the last 1001 days, I just can’t imagine a life without a 101 list! So, of course, I had to create my next 101 list. In fact, I started creating this list back in Dec 2009! Every time I think of something I want to do, I’ve put it into this posting, which I’ve had in draft since there. There are some things that I wanted to do and then accomplished, so I took them off the list ((And I really wish I had kept a list of those things instead of just deleting them, because I totally cannot remember what they were!)). To round out the list, I’ve added stuff from my first 101 list that I didn’t manage to accomplish but that I still want to get done and I went through Dr. Dan’s Not-So-Bucket-List to pilfer ideas.
Start date: Tuesday, October 11, 2011
End date: Tuesday, July 8, 2014
- pay off my student loans in full![Accomplished April 2012]
- host a lavish “I Paid Off My Student Loans” party ((My plan is to set the budget for the party at the equivalent of one month’s student loan payments. Currently I’m paying $1800 per month. I think that would make for a very lavish party!)) [Changed my mind on this one]
- get a promotion at work
- live above ground[Accomplished: March 17, 2012]
- get a cat[Accomplished: 18 Jan 2014. And even better, I got two!]
- learn to juggle
- go to an Abbotsford Heat hockey game
- run a destination marathon somewhere awesome ((Like Hawaii or Iceland or something.)) [Half accomplished, as I ran a destination half marathon in Hollywood!]
- own property ((This will require a serious correction in the Vancouver real estate market, but a girl can dream, right?)) [Accomplished, to my utter surprise, 23 June 2014]
- write a blog posting with 101 footnotes in it. [Accomplished 7 August 2012. Thank goodness I didn’t say they had to be good footnotes!]
- learn to speak French well enough to carry on a halfway decent conversation
- re-read Momo ((Which I read in elementary school, remembered while writing this posting, and cannot remember very much else about it.))[Accomplished August 2013 while in Nice, France]
- re-read Johnathan Livingstone Seagull ((Another one I read in elementary school and want to re-read because I don’t remember anything from it!))[Accomplished August 2013 while in Nice, France]
- do a round of P90X ((I’m looking at you, The Inspiration, for inspiration on this one)).
- buy a red suit ((Not like a Santa suit. But an awesome skirt and blazer type suit. I had one years ago and I totally miss having it.))
- buy a pantsuit ((Pantsuits are le awesome.)) [Accomplished: 1 July 2013.]
- visit a shooting range and shoot a gun![Accomplished on January 11, 2012]
- be named one of Canada’s Top 40 Under 40 ((Aim high, I always say!))
- run a triathlon
- host a dinner party
- be an invited guest speaker at a TED conference ((Remember when I said that I always say “Aim high!”? Yeah, well – that again.))
- meet a Prime Minister (past or present)
- go skydiving
- write a will
- bake at least one thing per month for 12 months in a row, without baking the same thing two months in a row ((This was from my previous 101 list, but which I failed to achieve that time, though I made several valiant efforts.)) [Accomplished June 2013].
- do some kind of exercise (anything really, even if it is just a set of pushups, as long as it is beyond just incidental stuff like taking the stairs or walking to a store) every day for a year![Accomplished: 29 Dec 2013]
- attend a taping of the Daily Show with Jon Stewart
- attend a taping of the Colbert Report
- be a guest on the Colbert Report
- publish a paper with Dan Gillis
- publish a paper with Rick Chin
- take Dan and Rick to section 3 (a.k.a., the nerd bar) [Was foiled on this one, as section 3 closed down before Dan and Rick came out here. 🙁 ]
- be named the Nerd of the Month at section 3 [See above 🙁 ]
- present at a conference at an international location ((And the US doesn’t count as “international.”))
- taking singing lessons
- incorporate the word “growlery” into my vocabulary[Accomplished 8 July 2013. This was typed in my growlery.]
- get a ride on a zamboni
- eat a Montreal smoked meat sandwich in Montreal, which I haven’t done since I was a kid [Accomplished on November 13, 2011! and again, at Schwartz’s, on October 22, 2012]
- go scuba diving
- go for a ride in a helicopter
- go for a ride in a float plane
- climb an active volcano
- make homemade pasta [Accomplished: 11 May 2014]
- do the CN Tower Edgewalk[Accomplished October 26, 2012]
- do a 30-day hot yoga challenge
- learn to do a handstand
- complete a good cartwheel
- ride an elephant
- ride a camel
- run a sub-2 hour half marathon
- get my Credentialed Evaluator designation[Accomplished on December 30, 2011]
- cook a decent tasting Eggplant Parmesan ((I may need some help with this one, Sarah!)) [Accomplished 22 September 2013]
- go to New York City
- go to Chicago
- leave the continent[Accomplished on August 1, 2013 by going to Europe.]
- go surfing & actually stay up on the board
- learn to snowboard (or at least try it)
- hike Black Task
- hike the West Coast Trail
- read something by Salman Rushdie
- visit Macchu Picchu
- for one week, go to bed at 9 and read non-work related books
- read The Last Spike by Pierre Berton
- skate on the Rideau Canal
- go to a Vancouver Canadians game [Accomplished 10 June 2013]
- write in my journal every day for a month[Accomplished: 12 March 2013.]
- go kayaking
- camp at Joffre Lakes
- visit Galiano Island
- visit Salt Spring Island
- visit Bowen Island
- save $500 in coins
- visit Newfoundland
- visit Nova Scotia
- visit the Yukon
- visit Nunavut
- do 15 minutes of yoga every morning for a month
- sort through my many boxes of papers (most of which contain papers from my thesis), recycling the papers I don’t need and filing the ones I do need Update: I did a huge portion of this during my Christmas 2011 holidays, but there are still a few boxes of paper in the back of my storage closet that I haven’t gotten to.[Accomplished: 3 Feb 2013]
- record a cooking show (at least 5 episodes)
- publish said cooking show online
- participate in five research projects ((I did this one last time and I think that it’s worth doing another 5!)) [1. I joined the BC Generations Project, 2. I completed the “Experiences of Exercise” study (three-part survey; Nov 18, 2012; Jan 10, 2013), 3. Participated in the Equity Lens in Public Health project (12 Sept 2013); 4. Mindfulness & Authentic Leadership study (13 Sept 13); 5. participant in a project that is researching researchers with a particular type of research grant (2011-13), 6. Nike Gender & Running study (Nov 10, 2013 to Feb 2, 2014); 7. Flu Vaccine Safety Study (Nov 2013)][Accomplished 2013]
- up my blog readership to an average of 200 readers a day
- see Groove Coverage in concert
- go zip cording
- make homemade marshmallows
- scan all the photos from my pre-digital camera days
- do another 365 day photo challenge
- watch salmon spawning
- go to Fright Nights at the PNE
- do the Stanley Park Christmas lights train ride
- run in a zombie obstacle course race [Accomplished 4 August 2012. Thank goodness I didn’t say that I had to run it and make it out alive!]
- make Dark & Stormy cupcakes[Accomplished on January 11, 2012]
- read “Lord of the Flies”
- make homemade egg nog
- take photos of each of my important pieces of jewelry and write a blog posting about their backstories
- mail a birthday card to each member of my immediate family ((i.e., parents, sister, bro-in-common-law, niece, nephew)) and my closest friends in time for their birthdays ((i.e., a minimum of one week before their actual birthday)) during a one-year time span
- memorize 10 people’s phone numbers
- drive the entire length of the King George Boulevard of Broken Dreams with Kalev[Accomplished: 7 October 2013]
- make Baked Alaska[Accomplished 13 July 2013]
- print eight photos and put them in the photo frame that I bought ages ago that has been handing on my wall with the stock photos in it, because that really looks quite ridiculous the way it is[Accomplished September 2013]
- publish 501 blog postings in this 1001 day period ((I considered aiming for 1001 again, but I realized that if I get into the MBA program, I really will not have time for daily blogging. Blogging every other day, on average, seems like a good stretch goal.)).
Wish me luck!
Awesome list!
I’d like to register my interest in potentially tagging along for #s 2, 7, 40, 53, 54, 65, 67, 73, 74, 75, 76, 89, 90, and 91. But maybe especially #76, because I haven’t met anyone else who’s interested in going!
The next time we are together and there is somewhere we can cook, I will teach you how to make my Nonna’s Eggplant Parmesan. It’s super easy, as long as you prep the eggplant.
As always, I would love to tag along on any of your adventures. Whee!
I am offering to assist you in any way when it comes to travel, adventure, shenanigans, travel with adventure, adventure based shenanigans, shenanigans whilst travelling, or travel based adventurous shenaniganning.
Also, you, me, Rick, and number 44 are so happening.
That is all.
@Cath – I’m totally going to take you up on at least some of those offers. And I’m glad to hear you want to go to Nunavik – thought I might have to do that one on my own!
@Sarah – I’m totally taking you up on that offer! Your Nonna’s eggplant parm is the best thing ever!
@Dan – And I’m totally taking you up on your offer as well. Because we all know that travel-based adventurous shananiganning is the best kind of naniganning. Also, my aunt and uncle did the CN Tower Edgewalk recently and my immediate thought when I heard about it was “Why haven’t Dan, Rick and I done that??? WHY??”
Okay, I am SO EXCITED for (2) and now I don’t even have to fly in for it!
You need to modify (22) to exclude You-Know-Who. Who has a lot in common with Voldemort, I’m sure, although apparently given (17) perhaps you have more in common with him than you think.
With (25) as written, you could just alternate between two things only. I say AIM HIGHER!
So apparently “go to New York” is included in (27) and (28)
I still haven’t been up the CN Tower, which I invariably call the Space Needle (44)
Chicago? Why? I mean the architecture is nice but New York is where it’s at. 😀
I will join you for (83)!
And (92).
And (89) if you go next year.
And (84).
Oh my gosh, I made the list!!! (98)
Agreed on #44! And this blog posting is sooo awesome! I need to update my list again *sigh*.
Also – 30 through 32 – Woot, Woot and double woot!
I was wondering when you were going to notice that I put work for you and Rick on my list!
Love this! Put me on the willing participant for #’s 11, 17, 25, 43, 56, 57, 59, 67-71, 84 and 90.
Awesome! We should do Ladies Night at Mount Seymour for #57!
[…] knock 24 items off my 101 list of things to do in 1001 days […]
[…] – exercise – Item #26 on my 101 list is “do some kind of exercise (anything really, even if it is just a set of pushups, as long […]