NaBloPoMo – Day 9 – New Food I Made This Year #1

It’s already past 11:30 pm and I haven’t written today’s blog posting yet, so I’m going to do a quick and easy one by starting to post about all the new foods I made this year.

Tortilla Soup

The first new food that I made in 2020 may or may not have given me food poisoning. It was homemade chicken tortilla soup and it tasted pretty good. But then the next day I got very, very sick – like, I barfed on a bus level of sick. At first I blamed it on the Cactus Club meal I’d had at lunch (it was a colleague’s birthday and that’s where she chose to go for our team birthday lunch). But then Scott also didn’t feel well, and he hadn’t had any Cactus Club. But he did have the soup.

You never really know with food poisoning – was it something you just ate or something you ate yesterday? But given that Scott also felt unwell, I’ve decided to blame the soup.

For what it’s worth, here’s the recipe I followed. I don’t think the recipe was the problem. Perhaps the homemade chicken/turkey stock that I used, which had been in the freezer for quite some time, was the problem. Or maybe the chicken. Alas, we’ll never know.

At any rate, it started the year off terribly and thus is probably cursed. F-minus, would not soup again.

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