23 Reasons Why Danielle Rocks

Today is Danielle’s Birthday. And since I’m poverty stricken and can’t afford to buy her a really good gift like she deserves gifts that you make are so much more personal, I’m writing a tribute to here in my little corner of the blogosphere. Now, Danielle is not much of a technophile, although she is a photo-acholic. In fact, she doesn’t read my blog postings unless they contain photos (and even then, I’m pretty sure that she only looks at the photos). So my “23 Reasons Why Danielle Rocks” posting* will contain plenty of photos… and I hope she reads the words to go along with the photos!

1. She’s adventerous. Case in point: this is her packing for her trip to Belize! She decided that she wanted to do some traveling and she just went and did it!

2. She is very laid back. She has taught me to chill, to not take things so seriously and that sometimes it can be fun to walk to Shopper’s in your PJs.

3. She’s an amazing cook! Whether it’s dinner (or a whole dinner party!), baking or a creative snack, if Danielle made it, you know it’s going to be tasty!

4. She’s a photo-aholic! She’s the only person that I know who takes as many pictures of every crazy thing as I do (translate: she’s the only person who would put up with me trying to take pictures of everything, let alone be taking the crazy photos right alongside me!) A photo to illustrate that: see above, where we took photos of pretty meals that we made.

5. She’s bringing sexy back.

6. She’s a vegetarian. Vegetarians rock.

7. She’s extremely thoughtful. Exhibit A: Check out this sweet picture frame she made me for Christmas! She’ll bake people cookies to thank them, or make them a card or present to let them know she’s thinking of them. She’s always doing thoughtful things like that.

8. She’s a snowboarder. And everyone knows that snowboarders are just cool.

9. They say you can tell a lot about a person by the company that they keep. And judging by the fantastically amazing friends that Danielle has, you know that she rocks!! (My apologies to the many, many, many great friends of Danielle of whom I don’t have a picture here! I just don’t have photos of you all! If you email me a pic, I’d be happy to include it!)

10. She’s a true Aggie! Aggies are cool! Aggies ride mechanical bulls.

11. She is really, really ridiculously good looking. Check out that model look (is that Blue Steel? Ferrari? Le Tigra? Magnum?)

12. She has a tongue ring. It is cool. You know you are jealous (I know that I am!)

13. She is giving. OK, in this picture she happens to be giving away shots. But she is giving in so many more ways than that! She’s giving of her time and expertise to help others with nutrition questions (whether through her many volunteer endeavours or when friends and family ask for help), she gives sage advice (and is wise much beyond her years!), she gives support when you need it most…. well, you get the picture! She’s the friend/roommate/daughter/sister/cousin/etc. that keeps on giving!

14. She’s the best hockey captain ever! We met when we both started playing for the Aggiettes hockey team – “We are Aggies, we are great! We will score and irrigate! Go AGGIES!”

15. She is disciplined and hard working. You’d be hard pressed to find a more studious and responsible individual!

16. She may know when to be disciplined and responsible, but she also knows how to party!

17. She practises what she preaches. As a dietitian-in-training, she’s preparing to educate others on how to eat more healthily. But she’s not one of those people who is all talk – she takes her healthy eating seriously! And she loves it!

18. She has a fantastic sense of humour. It’s hard to capture something like a “sense of humour” in a photo, but I think this photo of her and her best friend Tamara does a decent job of it.

19. She’s intelligent. What to put as a photo for that, well, if I were more intelligent perhaps I would know!

20. She looks great in neoprene! Not everyone can pull that off, you know!

21. She’s environmentally friendly! She’s the one who inspired me to take my travel mug with me wherever I go, bring my own bags to the grocery store, wrap my Christmas gifts in magazine pages and all the other things I do to try lead a more sustainable life. She leads by example! This is a picture of her on public transit (she often rides her bike to school, but I don’t have a photo of that!).

22. She’s super athletic. She plays on ultimate, football and ball hockey teams this term. And she’s training for a triathelon right now. And after that she’ll run a half marathon, her fourth since last May. See that shirt she’s wearing? That’s from the Seattle half that she ran!

23. She’s the best roommate that a girl could ever ask for!! She took me in when I would have otherwise been homeless, she made me feel welcome from the day I moved in, and has continued to make me feel well each and every day since. She made her home into our home and for that I will be eternally grateful.

Happy birthday, roomie!!

*note: this is not to imply that there are only 23 reasons why Danielle rocks, nor that these are even the top 23 reasons. The ways in which Danielle rocks are to

o innumerable to count, so I’ve picked 23 that came to mind. And for which I had an appropriate photograph or two.

Comments |22|

  • Here’s to the gal with the mostest! Indeed you are one of the sweetest, softest, most energetic, enthusiastic, caring, party-hardy, intelligent, hard-working, fun people I know. Danielle, you are beautiful inside and out!
    Lots of love,
    Sheila 🙂

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIELLE!!! You are such an amazing person and we’re all so lucky to have you in our lives!! Enjoy every minute of your day -you deserve it all! Love ya lots hun!!


  • Happy Birthday, Danielle! You rock because you’re very helpful, efficient, well-rounded and you’ve got a beautiful smile!


  • Tenacious D,

    It has been WAY too long and I’m sorry I can’t make your bday fiesta tonight (I live in Victoria and it just doesn’t work! I’m there in spirit!) I hope you have a superfabulousfantastic BDay! Eat lots of cake. Aggiettes Fo Life.

    Stoof xo

  • Happy Birthday, Danielle!

    I look forward to finally meeting you later this month. I hope that you have an amazing day and that this year is your best ever!!

  • Happy Birthday Danielle!!

    You are such a wonderful friend! I really don’t know what I would do without you!

    I am looking forward to celebrating your birthday with you tonight!

    Love always,

  • Happy Birthday Danielle! You are a bright light of sunshine illuminating all that surrounds you. Thank you for existing and being you. Know that all of your friends’ lives have been enriched by your acquaintance. Don’t change anything ’cause you’ve got it right!


  • Danielle,
    first of all you are special because you have a great name!! I hope that you have a wonderful day I wish you all the best and many blessings for the coming year. I’m glad we had the chance to study, party and hang out over the past four years.


  • Danielle!
    Another year older, another year wiser. Wow…it is clear that you have amazing people around you that would go to great lengths to make such a fabulous present for you. And it just shows how amazing you are!
    Congradulations on your special day! I can’t wait to hopefully start a new adventure on the island, practice what we preach and making every moment count! Enjoy your day!

    Luv Cara

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Beth is right, you are hot!…but I already knew that. You are a wonderful person, and I hope this year will treat you well. 😉
    Sharon (a.k.a wing woman, you know i’m always there for you [or not])

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Danielle. It is always great to work with you since we all know that you are very reliable and hardworking.
    Best wishes to you,


  • Yella!
    Happy Birthday. Hope you had a great day. It was great to see you last week. Can’t wait for good times this summer (come back to terrace…please :D)
    Love ya,

  • D, Tenacious D

    The Walton sisters think you are pretty much one of the most amazing people around. We miss the days of the aggiettes immeasurably…thank you for imparting your wealth of hockey knowledge upon us, but more importantly thank you for being an amazing person, always. A run in with Danielle in the halls of Macmillan brightens everyone’s day! : ) We hope your bday has been wonderful, you deserve it!

    too much love to measure,

    Steph and Nessa, aka Sedin twins.

  • I am sad I am not in the pictures with awesome Danielle. I think perhaps the most important point about Danielle is #20, how great she looks in neoprene. I used to think things like spandex and neoprene were invented just to make everyone look bad. It’s sad, though, because now I have to kill Danielle for looking good in something it should be impossible for anyone to look good in.

    Ha ha… just kidding, Danielle… have an awesome birthday!!! Try not to pet Beth too much in bed, though–she can be troublesome. 😛

  • Happy Birthday Danielle!

    I wish I could have come to dinner with you guys last night.

    Thanks for sharing your birthday cupcakes, no wonder everyone likes you!

    Happy 23.


  • HEY D!
    thanks for sharing beth’s super inspiring Bday gift with all your pals – There isn’t enough postivie energy going aroud theses days, but you’ve BOTH always emmited such a warm and caring attitude. Hoep your Bday was sweel and filled with at least 23 fabulous things. Enjoy your roomyness ladies!
    go aggies….

    love Alex

  • Hey Danielle,
    That was very entertaining! Good job Beth! I almost cried on number 23! Oh and I’d have to agree, snowboarders are cool 🙂 Miss those times. Can’t believe we came so close to having chair lift talk, but it didn’t happen. Oh regrets. Anyway, I was thinking about you yesterday. Glad to hear you had a wonderful birthday!


  • Thank you, thank you thank you to all of the truly amazing people in my life. Not that I didn’t know it before, but birthdays, and special gifts like this make me realize just how many wonderful friends I have. I love and appreciate all of you more than I can say! I’m such a lucky girl!!!

    Thank you Beth (just look at this blog!), Ali (organization master! Cupcakes!), Sheila (first song of the day!), Lauren (a sweetheart with a sweet card! You’re so thoughtful!), Amy (I can’t believe you took time out of your crazy week!!), Robbie (thanks for coming out buddy! Can’t wait to get crazy next week), Kelly (although you’re a sicky, you’re there in spirit!), Tamara (keepin’ it real buddy, thanks for the visits…not the SARS), Nicole (yay for random weekend trips! Love you!), Mom (my wonderful travel partner!), Dad (thanks for calling while you’re on the road, miss you!), Markus (in spirit), Lauchlan (ahhh, the birthday songs, you rock!), Kalev (your posting is hilarious, and SO YOU!), Rod (yay Hut crew!). Thank you Grandma (travel partner #2), and Grandma and Grandpa (miss you, and thank you thank you!) and all of the other family who love me!
    Thanks to Andrew, Kiel, Jules, John, Rehana, Christa, Byron, Leah, Celia, Li, Rob, Laura, Kim M., Steph and Nessa, Shalu, Sarah, Danny, Cara, Sharon, Amanda, Ashley, Jasmine (you ALWAYS remember!), Barb (travel partner #3), Kimba, Matt (tripod), (thanks for the well wishes! We WILL find time to chill soon!). Thank you to the tons of people who took special time out of their day to wish me happy birthday during my travels! I can’t name you all, but you’re wonderful and you kept me in the birthday spirit all day long
    AND of course all of the AGGIES with whom I will throw a sweet ‘think green’ beer garden/fundraiser with next Friday then go out on the town to get crazy!!! Yeah wingmen/wing WOmen!!! You guys are a blast! I’ll miss random dirty office chats next year!

    And about my roomie, what can I say? Who else but a considerate, kind, thoughtful, caring, funny, fun, adventurous, brave, strong, crazy, open, flexible, ridiculous, super-cool, helpful, healthy, dedicated, driven, beautiful, wacky, mature, silly, professional, smart, educated, admirable, goofy, solid friend would take the time and effort to put something like this together!!! Beth is one of the most amazing people I have had the pleasure of becoming close with here in Vancouver. Making my humble basement OURS has really been a selfish task since she is SO FUN to live with, and an awesome person to chat about anything and everything with. Not just anyone can share a one-bedroom with one-mattress for an entire year, host gatherings, and many travelers throughout the months, and still be smiling, close and loving it! As everyone who reads this blog knows she is an amazing person to come in contact with and one to appreciate for all that she is! Love you Bethy!

    Sorry for this LONG comment, but thank you everyone, I cherish all of you for all of the special-ness you bring to me, and look forward to many more adventures together! You are my sunshine!!!!

    P.S. “Think green” beer garden. Friday, March 16 outside of the Barn on the UBC campus. $4 entry ahead of time, $5 at the door. $2.50 beers. Party afterwards? Wherever we feel like heading to have a good time Would love to see you there, or any other time! Call me, or e-mail if you want more details! I have tickets to sell, so let me know!!!

  • Hey Beth and Danielle,

    Everything here on this blog is super-awesome, all those great photos bring back happy-time memories. I’m so glad you guys are having so much fun together, I am here in Victoria sending good-vibes your way.

    Happy Belated Brithday Danielle!

    Take care,
