Just Call Me Sporty Spice

As you know, I recently bought a sweet new pair of running shoes. I’ve gone out for a couple of runs in them and they totally rock. Just like running on a cloud.

You may also recall that last year I ran a half marathon, hurting my foot in the process, and then ran the Pacific Spirit 10K Run the next week. This year, I’m taking a different approach – using the the 10K race as a warm up for the half marathon. What a novel idea, eh? I’m hoping that having the shorter term goal of a 10K race to train for will motivate me a little more than just having the half marathon that I can just say “meh, it’s so far away, I have *lots* of time to train!” I’m running on the Brain Research Centre team again and I believe we still need a couple more runners to join our team so, if you are interested in joining us, drop me a line!

Also, since I have registered much earlier for the Pacific Spirit Run this year, I have time to do actual fundraising¹. The Pacific Spirit Run raises money for support the Tapestry Foundation for Health Care and proceeds from this year’s run will support important research and the development of care initiatives for individuals with dementia.

If you’d like to make a donation to support this worthy cause, please visit my online donations page.

¹Last year I registered very close to the race date and didn’t have time to do fundraising, so I just paid the registration fee.

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Category: sports