Hockey Highlights

Highlight of the playoffs:  Amy scoring with 4.3 seconds left in overtime to win our last playoff game today.  4.3 seconds!!

Lowlight of the playoffs: Discovering that some guy from whatever team was in our dressing room before us had taken a dump in the shower.  Seriously.

Now there is about a month off (during which I’ll be getting my laser eye surgery!).  Hopefully I’ll get out to some drop-in hockey before my surgery to work on (a) my wrist shot, (b) my stick handling, (c) pivoting and skating backwards.  The one thing I don’t need to work on: standing in the crease and shoveling in the juicy rebounds after a good player takes a shot – I’ve totally got that one covered.

Also, everyone tell Kim that she should keep playing with the team in the fall.

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