Happy BDay, Almost Dr. Dan!
A long, long time ago I found the perfect birthday card for my friend Dan. Dan, who you may remember as the “Gillis” in Snow, Snow & Gillis (2007), the groundbreaking paper entitled “The relationship between childhood attitude towards The Count and mathematical ability later in life: A thirty-year retrospective study.” I didn’t actually know when his birthday is, but figured that was a minor detail. Facebook would tell me, right? Yeah, Facebook told me today… that his birthday is tomorrow. He lives in Guelph, Ontario. So, since mailing the card is not an option, I’m going all Web 2.0 on ya – here’s your birthday card, Dan! Hope you have a good one!
OMFSM! I LOVE IT. It’s Count Von Count! BEST.CARD.EVER. Notice, not just BEST.BIRTHDAY.CARD.EVER. No, no – this is *THE*BEST*CARD*EVER*EVER. And there’s a maze. I’m freaking stoked. I fully believe I have the mad skills to get through that maze.
Thanks Dr. Beth.
There’s only One! One! One Dr. Beth. AH! AH! AH!
Happy birthday Almost-Dr. Dan 🙂
Yeah, Dr. Beth has a way of making people smile 🙂 Speaking of which, I should point out that I’m totally up for a Snow, Gillis, Pacheco et al (2008) paper on something funny 🙂
@Dan – Did you get through the maze yet? I’m sorry I didn’t actually mail this to you. I suck.
[…] emailing with my friend Dan about (a) his new birthday tattoo1 and (b) his lack of luxuriant flowing locks preventing him from […]
I totally got through the maze. And no, you don’t suck. As I said BEST.CARD.EVER.