BarCamp 2008

Spent the morning in the WordCamp section of BarCamp Vancouver, a session talking about all things WordPress.  As you can tell from my URL, my blog is on and I have been very happy with WP ever since I moved over from Blogger back in January.  But the more of these WordCamp type events I go to – and the more other bloggers I talk to – the more I realize that I need to move towards self-hosting.  There are just so many fun plugins that users get to play with.  Suppose I’ll need to look into where I should have my site hosted (suggestions welcome!).

Now I’m in the “What is a Co-op?” session. The idea here is the gauge the interest developing a tech co-op. As you may or may not know, I’m a big fan of co-ops.  I dumped my old bank1 to move to a credit union. I am a member of the Car Co-op. So I’m interested in finding out what the thoughts are on creating a co-op of techies.

1Well, pretty much dumped it. I have to keep my student loans with the bank, because if I move them elsewhere, then they wouldn’t be “student” loans anymore and since interest on student loans is tax-free, it’s in my interest to keep that student loan status. Once those loans are paid off, I’ll be able to be free of the bank!

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  • I’m using Dreamhost for my domain reg and hosting. However, I’m hosted under someone else’s account, which makes updating tricky because I have to ask them to do it instead of doing it myself. But they’re good about getting back to us with any questions or problems we’re having.


  • I’ve got two accounts with Site5 (neither of which for my blog, strangely) and they’ve been a pretty decent service to work with. One is for the old Armada site, which I foolish pay for year to year. The second I just recently set up for something else, and that was a CRAZY deal. Something like 10 years for $300 bucks. Looks like the ship has sailed for that deal, though. Anyways, good service, fast tech support: I likey.


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  • Hey Darlin’!

    I just switched from Dreamhost (was good, now BAD) to — There’s an affiliate link on my blog, and any affiliate profits I get until December 1st go straight to Canadian Diabetes – And, believe it or not, that’s $90 if you sign up from that banner ad.

    Also, I’m delighted to help you transfer over your blog and help you set up your self-hosted settings if you like. No worries… I totally love doing it.

    Let me know how I can help!


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