Movie Review: The Unborn
Kalev won free tickets1 to a sneak preview of The Unborn tonight and he took lil’ ole’ me.
Kalev’s review of the movie:
“The best horror movie I’ve seen this year!”
-Kalev, Jan 8, 2009
1Then I won free tickets and then he won more free tickets. So, clearly we were destined to see this movie.
But tell them your name for the sequel! It’s smashing!
Well, I don’t want to spoil things for anyone, but I do think that there may, just may, be a sequel in the works. And I think the sequel will be called “The Unborn 2: The Unborninging.” The alternative title for the sequel: “I still know that you were re-unborned last Hanukkah.”
You heard it here first.
@Beth – That is possibly one of the funniest things I’ve read in a long time.