Scientist Hotties
So, I’ve talked a lot about Hockey Hotties, but did you know that professions other than hockey player count hotties within their ranks as well?
Case in point: Dr. Ahmed El-Sohemy, a scientist from the University of Toronto. He studies nutrigenomics. I saw him give a talk about his research at a symposium recently. Super fascinating. And H-O-T. One of my former students notified me that he’s coming back to Vancouver this week to give another talk, which reminded me that I *totally* needed to blog about this.
And sorry, ladies and gentlemen, but that is a wedding ring on his hand. (I assume, given that it’s on his left hand ring finger).
Man, I really hope this guy doesn’t Google his own name and find this posting!
And if he does,
Hey, why am I not mentioned as a hottie scientist? Eh? Eh? 🙂
Raul’s last blog post..Chip is Not Dead Yet Memorial Mile Launch and Video Contest