Alicia’s Bachelorette

Yesterday was my friend and running partner Alicia’s bachelorette party!

The first event of the day: a pole dancing lesson at Tantra Fitness:

After that we headed to Alicia’s friend Negar’s place for some refreshments and to change into our evening wear:

IMG_4718 by you.

Then we went to Lux for dinner1. At Lux, Alicia’s friend Wendy gave her this educational book:

IMG_4723 by you.

After dinner, we headed to Bar None where we were on the extra special list2 that got us past the line up.  Line ups are for suckers.

IMG_4739 by you.

I don’t seem to have taken too many photos of Bar None, but Alicia was positively camera happy, so I can’t wait to see hers!

Anyhoo, all this to say that I had an absolute blast of an evening and I can’t wait for the wedding!!

1My review of Lux: Food: crappy. Service: even worse.
2It wasn’t the VIP list, because the people at the front of the VIP line had been waiting an hour by the time we got there, and we got right in. I don’t think the people in the VIP line liked us very much.

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