Will It Blend? BC So-Called Liberals Brochure Edition

Once upon a time I asked you for suggestions on how to destroy some BC claims-to-be-Liberals brochures I received in the mail.  Here, at long last, are the videos of the destruction:

And here is a close up:

Oh, the joys of only having one take in which to do each video (given that I only had the two brochures): I think I look just a little too pleased with myself at the end of that first video.

Homage to: Will It Blend?

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  • As an expert on chemistry and diet, you may be best equipped to address some important follow-up questions. Having put something so thoroughly toxic as misleading campaign literature into a piece of food processing equipment, just what sort of cleansing process will render the device safe for use with food again? Will chemical solvents be enough, or does it need to be irradiated? Also, is an exorcism warranted, or were those documents a purely temporal evil? I realize this is a daunting issue, but perhaps you could break new ground by being the first to publish clinical guidelines for the cleanup of kitchen paraphernalia used to destroy fruits of the poison pen.

    Demonweed’s last blog post..What You Should Think About Balance


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  • awww Beth, I’m touched that you decided to see if it would blend. And it does! I’m so glad that you were able to take care of that nasty nasty junkmail. And you are a very good blender demonstrator, grin and all. must be all those years of practice in the lab.

    don’t forget to do what you can for your candidate of choice while you still can – I chillaxed during the last federal election and ended up with a Liberal MP. eeeyeew.


  • ok, I just looked at the time/date… what I meant to say was don’t forget to vote 🙂


  • @Jody – I’m in what’s considered a pretty “safe” BC Liberal riding (translation: I’m a basement dweller in a neighbourhood full of rich people), so although I will go and register my vote for the NDP, I know it won’t count. Which is why I’m most concerned about registering my vote in favour BC-STV, so that next time my vote actually does something!

    @Tanya – I believe I remember reading about that on your blog – and I try to block it out! 😉


  • You should have used my blender, just because it’s way bigger and wouldn’t have required pre-ripping. 😛

    Congrats, though! Let’s hope this augurs well for the BC Liberal* chances today.


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  • Its powers are awesome. I also use it to make hummus and guacamole, to grate cheese and to grind coffee beans! Although I will warn you that I know two people who have burned the powers out on theirs. Shockingly, this wasn’t while blenderizing election brochures.


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