101 in 1001 check in
164 days ago I made a little list. A list of 101 things I was going to attempt to do in the next 1001 days. Today seems like a good day to check in on my progress.
- items accomplished – 11 (or 10.9%)
- items in progress – 7 (or 6.9%)
- items on which I’m totally slacking – 83 (or 82.2%)
- days remaining – 837
- most surprising accomplishment – #40 – Buying a Smart Car!
- least surprising accomplishment – #94 – Buying pants!
There’s one item that I thought would be uber difficult but that I now think I’m close to accomplishing: #83 – achieve inbox zero and maintain for one full week. I’m an intermittent1 reader of Lifehacker and recently read this posting, which led me to this posting and this posting and this posting. So I’m gonna try all that and see if I can manage this whole inbox zero thing which, up until now, has seem about as likely to exist as Ogopogo.
Another one that seems within my grasp is #69 – do 15 minutes of yoga every morning for a month, thanks to Nancy’s blog recommendation about Yoga Today free videos. Because not having good yoga videos has been my excuse for not doing it so far. Though I may wait until my 100/200/200 challenge is over before I tackle the yoga!
1“Intermittent” because they have *way* too much stuff on their blog and so I often have to declare RSS bankrupcy on their feed as having 496 unread postings makes me want to cry.