Comtemplating Blogathoning. Wanna write a guest post for me?

So right after I hit “publish” on my 101 in 1001 check in posting, I ambled on over to my Google Reader and saw that Rebecca has put out the call for this year’s Blogathon, which just so happens to be on my 101 list!

Blogathon involves publishing one blog posting every half hour for 24 hours to raise money for a charity of your choosing. That’s right folks, 48 postings in a day! It also requires one to be awake at 6 a.m. on a Saturday, which I believe falls under the category of “cruel and unusual.” Yet here I am contemplating it!

Anyway, I’m writing this posting to plant a bug in your ear.  Wanna guest post for me?  Have any ideas on how I can come out with 48 bloody things to blog about? For example, last year Rebecca did the A-Z of Metro Vancouver: A is for Alex Fraser, B is for Burrard BridgeC is for Canucks, etc.  I think having a theme like that would help me come up with ideas, but I don’t yet have any ideas for a theme.  Any suggestions?

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