Maybe if you’d spent less time…
… playing “unnoticeably on your broswer” during English class:
… you would know that there isn’t a capital R in “classroom.”
For the record, this was a pop up ad that managed to sneak by my pop up blocker. I wasn’t actually searching for online fantasy games featuring women with giant breast implants. If you happen to be searching for such a thing, though, apparently you can go to this site.
how many gnomes to you have to slay to give here a pear necklace…sorry i could not help myself
There's a terrific blog post showing the, uh, moral decay of these ads:…
I have no idea what you are talking about. I think that is probably a good thing.
LOL! I love how for the last one they give up all pretense and don't even both with the medieval theme anymore – just boobies!
Oh my lord! My lord!